Saturday, August 22, 2009

Meeting Notes from Wednesday, August 19th

4x4s: Thank you Co-Op members; over half of the 4x4s have been obtained by you already.
This is WONDERFUL of you all; it will give the elderly who receive them some holiday cheer and will enrich you for giving the knowledge of your care. I was touched last year by many of the responses from them....

Co-Op Petty Cash Bank Account: Chris Arrick and I have established a joint bank account at Wells Fargo Bank in the amount of $201.54, with the amount of $19.00 to be deducted for 1 box of checks. A new deposit of $75.00 will be made on Monday, August 24th; bringing our available account total to $257.54

Fall Fest/tent purchase: Chris Arrick is checking into whether or not Fall Fest will be taking place this year. If it is, we DO have enough interest from you members to request the purchase of a tent from the Community Foundation. It was also suggested that any members wishing to participate in any shows outside of Miami County could rent the tent by donating that rent money back to the Community Foundation, thereby adding it to our funds.

Banner Payment: The Northern Indiana Community Foundation was paid $1,030.00 by the Peru Circus City Festival, Inc. on our behalf for 1 banner.

National City Bank Exhibit Opportunity: Thanks to Rudy Ridenour we are in negotiations with National City to exhibit our works throughout their bank. The date for display is yet to be announced. Space to hang works on the walls is limited so most of them will be displayed on easels, both standing and desk top easels; 2 large desks will be available for presentation.
So far we have 13 easels being donated by you members for this project----THANK YOU so much.
I will update the info on this as it becomes available.

Megan Mirro: From the Ft. Wayne Museum of Art will be here in September; date yet to be determined.

Co-Op Art Sales:

Repurposed Art: Susan has asked any of us that would like to to create a work of art from a piece of cardboard and any objects found around town. It was suggested that the cardboard be coated with gesso before painting. She would also like us to keep a record of the objects and where and when they were found.

Abstract Demo: Given by me-Valerie May. I demonstrated the steps to doing an abstract artwork. My chosen subject was my grandfather's clock.
Step 1: was to photograph the clock.
Step 2: was to print those photos on plain paper.
Step 3: I put the photo on my light box and placed clean plain paper over it and traced the images I wanted to use.
Step 4: was to copy those tracings and enlarging some and shrinking others, so that I have 2 or 3 copies of each size.
Step 5: I then cut each one of the "drawings" out, thereby making patterns that I then arrange on my canvas and trace around them, overlapping or placing under as desired.
Step 6: Is to begin painting or doing collage; in this case: painting.
From time to time I will bring this to the Co-Op meetings so that you can see the progress.

Another Art Show to Enter: Arts and Crafts Fair in Warsaw taking place on October 10th. For more info go to http//

Next Meeting: September 16th and it's theme night--"Moon".

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